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The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 263 263. The Lord is the Word. The Word in its inmost sense treats only of the Lord, and describes all the states of the glorification of His Human, that is, of its union with the Divine itself; and likewise all the states of the subjugation of the hells, and of the ordination of all things therein and in the heavens (n. 2249, 7014). Thus the Lord's whole life in the world is described in...§ion=263 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 14 14. The Lord is the Word. The Word in its inmost sense treats solely of the Lord, describing all the states of the glorification of His Human, that is, of its union with the Divine itself, and likewise all the states of the subjugation of the hells, and the reducing to order of all things therein, and in the heavens (n. 2249, 7014). Thus the inmost sense describes the Lord's whole life in the worl...§ion=14 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 373 373. Because the will and understanding are the receptacles of love and wisdom, these two are organic forms, or forms organized out of the purest substances; for such they must be to be receptacles. It is no objection that their organization is imperceptible to the eye; it lies beyond the reach of vision, even when this is increased by the microscope. The smallest insects are also too small to be...§ion=373 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 279 279. III. SO FAR AS EVILS ARE REMOVED THEY ARE REMITTED. It is an error of the present age to believe 1. That evils are separated from man and indeed cast out when they are remitted; and 2. That the state of man's life can be changed in a moment, even to its opposite, so that from being wicked he can become good, and consequently can be brought out of hell and straightway tra...§ion=279 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 66 66. The same is clearly evident from the creation of men into this love, and from their subsequent formation by it. The male was created that he might become wisdom from the love of growing wise, and the female that she might become the love of the male from his wisdom and so according to it. It is clear from this, that two married partners are the very forms and effigies of the marriage of love a...§ion=66 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 475 475. XI. THAT THOSE WHO ARE IN THIS CONCUBINAGE FROM CAUSES LEGITIMATE, JUST, AND REALLY WEIGHTY, MAY AT THE SAME TIME BE IN CONJUGIAL LOVE. It is said that they may at the same time be in conjugial love, the meaning being that they may retain this love stored up within themselves; for in the subject in whom that love is, it does not perish but is quiescent. The following are the reasons why conju...§ion=475 The Interaction between Soul and Body That Some Attribute to a Flow of Energy from the Body, Some to a Flow of Energy from the Spirit, and Some to a Preestablished Harmony 12 12. X. Spiritual things, thus clothed in a man, enable him to live as a rational and moral man, thus a spiritually natural man. From the principle established above, that the soul clothes itself with a body as a man clothes himself with a garment, this follows as a conclusion. For the soul flows into the human mind, and through this into the body, and carries life with i...§ion=12 The Interaction between Soul and Body That Some Attribute to a Flow of Energy from the Body, Some to a Flow of Energy from the Spirit, and Some to a Preestablished Harmony 16 16. XIV. There are three degrees in the spiritual world, and three degrees in the natural world, hitherto unknown, according to which all influx takes place. It is discovered, by the investigation of causes from effects, that there are degrees of two kinds, one in which are things prior and posterior, and another in which are things greater and less. The degrees which di...§ion=16 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 24 24. (5) The doctrine of a plurality of gods, both in past ages and at the present day, has sprung solely from a failure to understand the Divine Esse. It has been shown above (n. 8) that the unity of God is inmostly inscribed on the mind of every man, since it lies at the center of all that flows from God into the soul of man; and yet it has not descended therefrom into the human understanding, fo...§ion=24 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 30 30. (3) Since the creation of the world God is in space without space and in time without time. That God, with the Divine that goes forth directly from Him, is not in space, although He is omnipresent, and is present with every man in the world, and with every angel in heaven and every spirit under heaven, is beyond the comprehension of merely natural thought, but may in some measure be comprehend...§ion=30 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 32 32. (5) The Infinity of God can be seen by enlightened reason in very many things in the world. Some things shall be enumerated in which human reason can see the infinity of God: (1) In the created universe no two things can be found that are identical. That no such identity can be found among things simultaneous has been rationally seen and proved by human learning, although the substantial and m...§ion=32 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 75 75. THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE. As the subject of this first chapter is God the Creator, the creation of the universe by Him must also be considered; as in the next chapter on the Lord the Redeemer, redemption will also be treated of. But no one can gain a right idea of the creation of the universe until his understanding is brought into a state of perception by some most general knowledge...§ion=75 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 76 76. First Memorable Relation: One day I was meditating upon the creation of the universe; and this being perceived by the angels above me on the right side, where were some who from time to time meditated and reasoned on this subject, one of them descended and invited me to join them; and coming into the spirit I went with him; and having joined them I was taken to the prince, in whose...§ion=76 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 281 281. Fifth Memorable Relation: As it has been granted me by the Lord to be in the spiritual world and in the natural world at the same time, and thus to talk with angels the same as with men, and thereby to become acquainted with the states of those who after death pass into that hitherto unknown world (for I have spoken with all of my relatives and friends, and with kings and nobles an...§ion=281 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 568 568. Second Memorable Relation: What pious and wise man does not wish to know his life's lot after death? I will therefore set forth plainly some general truths in order that it may be known. Every man, when, after death, he feels that he is still alive, and that he is in another world, and hears that heaven, where there are eternal joys, is above him, and hell, where there are eternal...§ion=568 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 771 771. It has been shown in the chapter on the Sacred Scripture that the Word in the letter was written by appearances and correspondences, consequently in all its particulars there is a spiritual sense, and in that sense the truth is in its own light while the sense of the letter is in shade. In order therefore that the man of the New Church may not wander about, like the man of the old, in the sha...§ion=771
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