(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 4985

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4985. And Joseph was beautiful in form, signifies the good of life thence derived, and beautiful in look, signifies the truth of faith thence derived, as is evident from the signification of "beautiful in form" and "beautiful in look;" for "form" is the essence of a thing, and "look" is the manifestation thence derived; and because good is the very essence, and truth the manifestation thence derived; thence, by "beautiful in form" is signified the good of life, and by "beautiful in look" the truth of faith. For the good of life is the very being of man, because it is of his will; and the truth of faith is the coming forth thence derived, because it is of his understanding; for whatever is of the understanding comes forth from the will. The being of man's life is in his willing, and the coming forth of his life is in his understanding. The understanding of man is nothing else than the will unfolded, and so put in form that its quality may appear in its look. From this it is plain whence is the beauty (that is, of the interior man), namely, from the good of the will through the truth of faith. The very truth of faith presents beauty in the external form, but the good of the will imparts and forms it. From this it is that the angels of heaven are of ineffable beauty, being as it were loves and charities in form; and therefore when they appear in their beauty, they affect the inmosts. With them, the good of love from the Lord shines forth through the truth of faith, and as it penetrates it affects. Hence it is evident what is signified in the internal sense by "beautiful in form and beautiful in look" (see also n. 3821).


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