(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 9865

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9865. A ruby, a topaz, and a carbuncle. That hereby is signified the celestial love of good, is evident from the signification of these stones, as being the good of celestial love. Celestial love is love to the Lord from the Lord. That these stones signify this love is on account of their red and flaming color, and "red" signifies love (see n. 3300), in like manner what is "flaming" (see n. 3222, 6832, 7620, 7622, 9570); here celestial love is signified, because they are in the first row; and those which are in the first row correspond to things in the inmost heaven, where reigns celestial love, that is, love to the Lord. As the twelve stones in the breastplate represented all truths from good, they consequently also represented the whole heaven; for heaven is heaven from the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord's Divine good. The angels who constitute heaven are receptions of this. Hence it is that the three stones which were in the first row represent the inmost heaven, consequently the love which is there, which is called the celestial love of good, and the celestial love of truth; the stones that were in the first row representing the celestial love of good, and those in the second row the celestial love of truth. That these stones represent this love is due to their color, as before said; for precious stones have a representation according to their colors.
[2] In the heavens appear colors of unspeakable beauty, because they are modifications of heavenly light, and heavenly light is the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord. From this it is evident that colors are presented to view there according to the variations of good and truth; thus they are modifications of the light that proceeds from the Lord through the angels. The light that proceeds from the Lord appears in the inmost heaven like flame; and therefore the colors which come from it are red and flashing. But the same light appears in the middle heaven like a bright white light; and therefore the colors which come from it are of a bright white color, and insofar as they have good in them they sparkle. It is from this that there are two fundamental colors, to which all the rest bear relation; namely, the color red, and the color white; and that a red color is representative of good, and a white one of truth (n. 9467).
[3] This shows why stones of so many colors were set in rows in the breastplate; namely, in order that they might represent in their order all the goods and truths which are in the heavens; consequently the universal heaven. The stones of the first row, which were a ruby, a topaz, and a carbuncle, represented the celestial love of good, because they partake of red. Moreover, the ruby, which is in the first place, derives its name in the original tongue from a word which signifies redness; and the carbuncle, which is in the third place, in the same tongue is derived from a term which signifies a flashing as from fire. But from what word the topaz, which is in the middle place, is derived, is not known; that it was from flaming red color is probable. Accordingly in Job the like is said of it as of gold:
The topaz of Ethiopia shall not vie with wisdom, neither shall it be valued with pure gold (Job 28:19).
"Gold" also denotes the good of love (n. 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 6914, 6917, 8932, 9490, 9510).


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