(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 9967

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I was afterward led by the Lord to an earth in the universe which was at a greater distance from our earth than that first one which was treated of at the end of some of the former chapters. That it was further distant was given me to know from the fact that I was two days being led thither as to my spirit. This earth was to the left; but the former was to the right. Remoteness in the other life does not arise from distance of place; but from difference of state, which nevertheless appears there like distance of place (according to what was said above, n. 9440). Wherefore from the time it took to get there, which as already said was two days, I was able to infer that the state of the interiors with those people - which is the state of the affections and the consequent thoughts - differed from the state of the interiors with the spirits from our earth in the same proportion. As I was conveyed thither in respect to the spirit by means of changes of state of the interiors, it was given me to note the successive changes themselves, before I arrived there. This took place while I was awake.


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