9968. When I arrived there, the earth itself was not seen, but only the spirits from that earth; for as has already been observed several times, the spirits of every earth appear around their own earth, for the reason that they are of a diverse genius in consequence of a diverse state of life; and in the other life diversity of state disjoins, and likeness of state conjoins; and especially for the reason that they may be with the inhabitants of their own earth, who are of a similar genius. For a man cannot live apart from spirits, and spirits of a like nature are adjoined to everyone (see n. 5846-5866, 5976-5993). These spirits appeared at a considerable height above the head, and from thence they looked at me as I was coming.
[2] Be it known that those who are on high can look at those who are below; and the greater their height, the farther their view extends; and that they can not only look at them, but can also speak with them. From their position they observed that I was not from their earth, but from a greater distance elsewhere; wherefore they addressed to me a variety of questions, to which it was also given me to reply. Among other things I told them from what earth I was, and what was its nature. Afterward I told them about the earths in our solar system, and at the same time also about the spirits of the earth or planet Mercury, to whom it is given to wander about to many earths for the sake of acquiring knowledges about various things, with which they are delighted (n. 6808-6817, 6921-6932, 7069-7079). When they heard this, they said that they also had seen these spirits among them.