151. IX. THAT CHASTITY CANNOT BE PREDICATED OF EUNUCHS BORN SUCH, NOR OF EUNUCHS MADE SUCH. By eunuchs born such are meant especially those with whom the ultimate of love has been lacking from birth; and because the first and the middle are then without a foundation on which to rest, they do not stand forth, and if they do, it is of no concern to such persons to distinguish between the chaste and the unchaste, for to them, both are indifferent. Among such persons, however, there are many differences. With eunuchs made such, it is almost the same as with some eunuchs who are born such. But eunuchs made such, being both men and women, cannot but regard conjugial love as a fantasy and its delights as mere words. If there is anything of inclination within them, it becomes neuter,* that is, neither chaste nor unchaste; and that which is neuter has no name either from the one side or from the other.
* The Latin is mutum (mute), clearly a misprint for neutrum as in the translation.