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A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10505 10505. And if not, blot me I pray out of Thy book which Thou hast written. That this signifies the internal of the Word, of the church, and of worship, that it will not perish, is evident from the representation of Moses, who says these things, as being the internal of the Word, of the church, and of worship (on which see n. 10468); from the signification of "which Thou hast written," as...§ion=10505 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10637 10637. Keep thou that which I command thee this day. That this signifies if they do these primary things which are of the eternal truth, is evident from the signification of "keep thou," as being if those do so who acknowledge the Word, for by Moses is represented the Word (see above); and from the signification of "that which Jehovah commands this day," as being the primary th...§ion=10637 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 271 271. Such are the angels of the third heaven because they are in love to the Lord, and that love opens the interiors of the mind to the third degree, and is a receptacle of all things of wisdom. It must be understood also that the angels of the inmost heaven are still being continually perfected in wisdom, and this differently from the angels of the outmost heaven. The angels of the inmost heaven...§ion=271 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 272 272. There is a still further reason, and this is in heaven the primary reason, why the angels are able to receive so great wisdom, namely, that they are without the love of self; for to the extent that any one is without the love of self he can become wise in Divine things. It is that love that closes up the interiors against the Lord and heaven, and opens the exteriors and turns them toward itse...§ion=272 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 18 18. iii. From the spiritual sense it is that the Word is Divinely inspired, and is holy in every word. It is said in the church that the Word is holy, and this because Jehovah God spoke it; but as its holiness is not apparent from the letter alone, he who on this account once doubts its holiness, afterwards confirms his doubt when reading the Word by many things in it, for he then thinks, Can this...§ion=18 Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 86 86. Man possesses a natural mind and a spiritual mind. The natural mind is below, and the spiritual mind above. The natural mind is the mind of man's world, and the spiritual mind is the mind of his heaven. The natural mind may be called the animal mind, and the spiritual mind the human mind. Man is discriminated from the animal by possessing a spiritual mind. By means of this mind he can be in he...§ion=86 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 14 14. III. THE LAST JUDGMENT UPON THE REFORMED. In the former small work on The Last Judgment it treated of the judgment upon those who are meant by Babylon; and something of the judgment upon the Mohammedans and upon the Gentiles; but not of the judgment upon the Reformed. It was said only, that the Reformed were in the middle, arranged there according to countries; the Papists around them;...§ion=14 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 46 46. From all this it can be seen how sensually (that is, how much from the bodily senses and their blindness in spiritual matters) do those think who maintain that nature is from herself. They think from the eye, and are not able to think from the understanding. Thought from the eye closes the understanding, but thought from the understanding opens the eye. Such persons cannot think at all of Esse...§ion=46 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 240 240. There are in man from the Lord two capacities whereby he is distinguished from beasts. One of these is the ability to understand what is true and what is good; this is called rationality, and is a capacity of his understanding. The other is an ability to do what is true and good; this is called freedom, and is a capacity of his will. For man by virtue of his rationality is able to think whate...§ion=240 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 246 246. This spiritual heat is obtained only by fleeing from evils as sins, and at the same time looking to the Lord; for so long as man is in evils he is also in the love of them, for he lusts after them; and the love of evil and the lust, abide in a love contrary to spiritual love and affection; and such love or lust can be removed only by fleeing from evils as sins; and because man cannot flee fro...§ion=246 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 253 253. (3) The character of the natural man in whom the spiritual degree is not opened, and yet not closed. The spiritual degree is not opened, and yet not closed, in the case of those who have led somewhat of a life of charity and yet have known little of genuine truth. The reason is, that this degree is opened by conjunction of love and wisdom, or of heat with light; love alone or spiritual heat a...§ion=253 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 405 405. That these three from the will's love follow in order in the understanding can, indeed, be comprehended by the rational man but yet cannot be clearly seen and thus so proved as to command belief. But as love that is of the will acts as one with the heart by correspondence, and wisdom that is of the understanding acts as one with the lungs (as has been shown above) therefore what has been said...§ion=405 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 34 34. III. THE MORE NEARLY A MAN IS CONJOINED TO THE LORD THE WISER HE BECOMES. While there are three degrees of life in man from creation and thus from birth, which have just been treated of above in n. 32, there are especially three degrees of wisdom in him. These are the degrees which are opened in man according to the measure of conjunction; that is, they are opened according to love, for love i...§ion=34 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 60 60. IV. AN IMAGE OF THE INFINITE AND ETERNAL IS PRESENTED IN AN ANGELIC HEAVEN. Among the things of which it is necessary to have some knowledge is also the angelic heaven; for everyone who has any religion thinks about heaven and wishes to go there. Heaven, however, is granted to none but those who know the way to it and who walk therein. This way can in some measure be known from a knowledge of...§ion=60 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 119 119. VI. THE LORD THEN PURIFIES MAN FROM THE LUSTS [OF EVIL] IN THE INTERNAL MAN, AND FROM THE EVILS THEMSELVES IN THE EXTERNAL. The Lord then purifies man from the lusts of evil when the man as of himself removes the evils, because the Lord cannot purify him before this is done. For the evils are in the external man and the lusts of evil are in the internal man, and these are united like the root...§ion=119 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 139 139. No one is reformed in a state of fear, because fear takes away freedom and reason, or liberty and rationality; for love opens the interiors of the mind but fear closes them; and when they are closed man has but few thoughts, and then only those which present themselves to his mind (animus) or to his senses. Such is the nature of all fears that invade the mind (animus). [2] It was shown above...§ion=139 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 147 147. It will also be briefly stated how the Lord casts out lusts of evil, which beset the internal man from birth, and how He bestows in their place affections of good when a man as of himself removes evils as sins. It was shown before that man has a natural mind, a spiritual mind and a celestial mind; and that he is in the natural mind alone, as long as he is in the lusts of evil and their deligh...§ion=147 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 168 168. As few know anything about the enlightenment which affects the understanding of a man who is taught by the Lord, something will now be said about it. There is an interior and an exterior enlightenment from the Lord; and there is an interior and an exterior enlightenment from man. Interior enlightenment from the Lord consists in a man's perceiving at first hearing whether what is said is true...§ion=168 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 207 207. Whence the Divine Providence is and what it is. It is the Divine operation in the man who has removed the love of self; for, as has been said, the love of self is the devil; and lusts with their delights are the evils of his kingdom, which is hell. When this love has been removed the Lord enters with the affections of neighbourly love, and opens the window on the roof and then the side window...§ion=207 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 210 210. VII. NONE OF THESE THINGS CAN BE EFFECTED UNLESS IT APPEARS TO MAN THAT HE THINKS FROM HIMSELF AND DISPOSES FROM HIMSELF. It has been fully demonstrated in the preceding pages that unless it appeared to man that he lived as from himself and thus that he thought and willed, spoke and acted as of himself he would not be man. From this it follows that if man as from his own prudence did not disp...§ion=210
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