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Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 110 110. With those, however, who are in heavenly love the internal and the external of thought, or the internal and the external man, act as one when they speak, nor do they know any difference between them. Their life's love with its affections of good and their perceptions of truth is like a soul in whatever they think, and consequently say and do. If they are priests they preach from love towards...§ion=110 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 117 117. Many are not aware that they are in evils, because they do not commit them outwardly; for they fear the civil laws and also the loss of reputation; and so from custom and the disposition thus acquired they learn to shun evils as detrimental to their honour and interest. But if men do not shun evils from a religious principle, because they are sins and against God, the lusts of evil with their...§ion=117 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 126 126. When the Lord has implanted a heavenly life's love in place of the infernal one then there are implanted affections of good and truth in place of the lusts of evil and falsity; and in place of the delights of the lusts of evil and falsity there are implanted the delights of the affections of good; and in place of the evils of infernal love there are implanted the goods of heavenly love. Then...§ion=126 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 182 182. III. IF A MAN SAW CLEARLY THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE HE WOULD EITHER DENY GOD OR MAKE HIMSELF GOD. The merely natural man says to himself, "What is Divine Providence? Is it anything else or more than a phrase that the common people have picked up from the clergy? Who sees anything of it? Are there not prudence, wisdom, cunning and malice, and are not all things in the world done from these? A...§ion=182 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 187 187. IV. IT IS GRANTED TO MAN TO SEE THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE IN THE BACK AND NOT IN THE FACE; AND THIS IN A SPIRITUAL STATE AND NOT IN A NATURAL STATE. To see the Divine Providence in the back and not in the face is to see it after it operates and not before; and to see it from a spiritual state and not from a natural state is to see it from heaven and not from the world. All who receive influx from...§ion=187 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 190 190. There are many constant things created in order that there may exist things that are not constant. Such constants are the appointed changes in the rising and setting of the sun, moon, and stars; their obscurations by interpositions called eclipses; the heat and light from them; the seasons of the year called spring, summer, autumn and winter; the times of the day, which are morning, noon, eve...§ion=190 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 193 193. I. ALL MAN'S THOUGHTS ARE FROM THE AFFECTIONS OF HIS LIFE'S LOVE AND THERE ARE NO THOUGHTS WHATEVER, NOR CAN THERE BE, EXCEPT FROM THEM. It has been shown above in this treatise, and also in the work entitled ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, particularly in the First and Fifth Parts, what in their essence are the life's love and the affections and thoughts thence derived,...§ion=193 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 199 199. A man can reflect, indeed, upon the delight of his external affection while this delight is in harmony with the delight of some bodily sense; but yet he does not reflect upon the fact that this delight is from the delight of his affection in his thought. For example: when a fornicator sees a courtesan his eye glows with the fire of lasciviousness, and from that fire he feels delight in the bo...§ion=199 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 200 200. Now, since the delights of man's affections, springing from inmost things through interiors to exteriors and finally to outermost things in the body, bear him along as the waves and winds bear a ship; and since none of these things is apparent to man except what goes on in the outermost things of the mind and of the body, how can man claim what is Divine for himself from the single circumstan...§ion=200 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 202 202. The Divine Providence of the Lord is universal from the most individual things because He created the universe in order that there might exist in it an infinite and eternal creation from Himself; and this creation exists that the Lord might form from men a heaven which should appear before Him as one man who should be the image and likeness of Himself. It was shown above (n. 27-45), that heav...§ion=202 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 215 215. I. TEMPORAL THINGS RELATE TO DIGNITIES AND RICHES, THUS TO HONOURS AND GAIN IN THE WORLD. There are many temporal things, yet they all relate to dignities and riches. By temporal things are meant such as either perish with time, or come to an end with man's life in this world only; but by eternal things are meant those which do not perish and come to an end with time, and therefore do not end...§ion=215 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 237 237. Every worshipper of himself and of nature confirms himself against the Divine Providence. 1. When he sees in the world so many wicked people, and so many of their impieties in which some of them even glory, and yet no punishment of such by God. He confirms himself still more against the Divine Providence when he sees that wicked designs, cunning devices and deceit are successful ev...§ion=237 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 239 239. To these arguments more may be added at this day by which those can still further confirm themselves who think interiorly in favour of nature and human prudence alone. For example: I. The whole Christian world has acknowledged three Gods, not knowing that God is one in Person and in Essence, and that He is the Lord. 2. Hitherto it has not been known that in every particu...§ion=239 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 249 249. II. CONFIRMATIONS FROM THE WORLDLY PROSPERITY OF THE WICKED AGAINST THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE. (Summarised in n. 237.) 1. Every worshipper of himself and of nature confirms himself against the Divine Providence when he sees in the world so many wicked people, and so many of their impieties in which some of them even glory, and yet no punishment of such by God. All impieties and also the glo...§ion=249 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 262 262. IV. CONFIRMATIONS FROM PRESENT-DAY RELIGIOUS CONDITIONS IN FAVOUR OF NATURE AND HUMAN PRUDENCE. (Summarised in n. 239.) 1. A doubt may be raised against the Divine Providence from the fact that the whole Christian world worships one God under three Persons, that is, three Gods, and that hitherto it has not known that God one in Person and in Essence, in whom is a Trinity, and that this...§ion=262 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 293 293. To this I will add the opinion of angels regarding will and intelligence in man. It is this: There cannot be in any man a grain of will and prudence that is his own. They say that if there were such a grain in any man neither heaven nor hell would continue to exist, and the whole human race would perish. The reason, they say, is that myriads of myriads of men, as many as have been born since...§ion=293 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 298 298. In order that these things may be made apparent to the rational man, whether he be a wicked man or a good man, thus whether he be in the light of winter or in the light of summer, for colours appear alike in both, they must be explained in their order. First: One's own intelligence, when the will is in evil, sees nothing but falsity, and has neither the desire nor the ability to se...§ion=298 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 308 308. CHAPTER XI THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE APPROPRIATES NEITHER EVIL NOR GOOD TO ANYONE; BUT ONE'S OWN PRUDENCE APPROPRIATES BOTH NEARLY everyone believes that man thinks and wills from himself and consequently speaks and acts from himself. Who from himself can suppose otherwise, since the appearance of it is so strong that it does not differ at all from actually thinking, willing, s...§ion=308 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 312 312. II. MAN FROM HIS OWN PRUDENCE PERSUADES HIMSELF AND CONFIRMS THAT ALL GOOD AND TRUTH ORIGINATE FROM HIMSELF AND ARE IN HIMSELF AND IN LIKE MANNER ALL EVIL AND FALSITY. Suppose an argument instituted from the analogy between natural good and truth and spiritual good and truth. The question is asked: What are truth and good in the sight of the eye? Is not the truth there what is called beautifu...§ion=312 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 314 314. The character of those who are infatuated by their own intelligence may be evident from their fancies* in matters of interior judgment, as, for example, concerning influx, thought and life. Concerning Influx, their thought is inverted; as that the sight of the eye flows into the internal sight of the mind, which is the understanding, and that the hearing of the ear flows into the internal hea...§ion=314
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