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A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10603 10603. Hew thee two tables of stones like the former ones. That this signifies the external of the Word, of the church, and of worship, such as it was on account of that nation, is evident from the signification of the "tables of stones," as being the external of the Word (see n. 10453, 10461). The external of the Word is the sense of its letter. That it also denotes the external of the...§ion=10603 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10607 10607. And no man shall come up with thee. That this signifies that the Israelitish nation cannot be in Divine truth, is evident from the signification of "not coming up," here into Mount Sinai with Moses, as being not to be in heaven from which is the revelation of Divine truth, thus not to be able to be in Divine truth, for by "Mount Sinai" is signified heaven from which come...§ion=10607 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10608 10608. And moreover no man shall be seen in all the mountain. That this signifies that they have been quite removed from it, thus outside of it, is evident from the signification of "the mountain," here Mount Horeb, as being heaven in the whole complex, thus also Divine truth; for whether you say heaven, or Divine truth, it is the same, because the angels, of whom heaven consists, are re...§ion=10608 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10643 10643. And ye shall break their pillars. That this signifies that the falsities of evil must be dispersed, is evident from the signification of "pillars," as being representatives of the worship of the Lord from truths (see n. 4580, 4582, 9388-9389), and in the opposite sense representatives of idolatrous worship from falsities. The reason why "pillars" were representative of w...§ion=10643 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10657 10657. As I commanded thee. That this signifies according to Divine order, is evident from the signification of "commanding," when by Jehovah, as being according to Divine order (see n. 10119). ...§ion=10657 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10781 10781. Be it known that there is providence and there is foresight. Good is that which is provided by the Lord, but evil is that which is foreseen by the Lord. The one must be with the other, for that which comes from man is nothing but evil; but that which comes from the Lord is nothing but good. EXODUS 38 1. And he made the altar of burnt-offering of shit...§ion=10781 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 327 327. I have talked with some who were in the Ancient Church. That is called the Ancient Church that was established after the deluge, and extended through many kingdoms, namely, Assyria, Mesopotamia, Syria, Ethiopia, Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Philistia as far as Tyre and Zidon, and through the land of Canaan on both sides of the Jordan.# The men of this church knew about the Lord that He was to come,...§ion=327 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 512 512. LIII. THIRD STATE OF MAN AFTER DEATH, WHICH IS A STATE OF INSTRUCTION FOR THOSE WHO ENTER HEAVEN. The third state of man after death, that is, of his spirit, is a state of instruction. This state is for those who enter heaven and become angels. It is not for those who enter hell, because such are incapable of being taught, and therefore their second state is also their third, ending in...§ion=512 The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed, Showing That at This Day All the Predictions of the Book of Revelation Have Been Fulfilled - From Things Heard and Seen 3 3. That by "the new earth" is meant a New Church on earth, has hitherto been unknown, for every one by "earth" in the Word has understood the earth, when yet by it is meant the church; in the natural sense, earth is the earth, but in the spiritual sense it is the church, because they who are in the spiritual sense, that is, who are spiritual, as the angels are, when "the e...§ion=3 The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed, Showing That at This Day All the Predictions of the Book of Revelation Have Been Fulfilled - From Things Heard and Seen 46 46. But it is to be known that the Last Judgment was effected upon those who had lived from the Lord's time to this day, but not upon those who had lived before. For a Last Judgment had twice before existed on this earth; one which is described in the Word by "the flood," the other was effected by the Lord Himself when He was in the world, which is also meant by the Lord's words: ...§ion=46 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 5 5. These things are concerning the New Heaven; something shall now be said concerning "the New Earth." By "the New Earth" is meant the New Church on the earth; for when a former church ceases to exist, then a new one is established by the Lord. For it is provided by the Lord that there should always be a church on earth, since by means of the church there is a conjunction of th...§ion=5 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 6 6. What is meant by "Jerusalem" in the spiritual sense of the Word, shall also be briefly stated. "Jerusalem" means the church itself as to doctrine, because there in the land of Canaan, and in no other place, were the temple, the altar, the sacrifices, and thus Divine worship itself. On this account, also, three festivals were celebrated there every year, to which every male t...§ion=6 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 111 111. Faith does not become faith with man, unless it becomes spiritual, and it does not become spiritual, unless it becomes of the love; and it then becomes of the love, when man loves to live truth and good, that is, to live according to those things which are commanded in the Word. ...§ion=111 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 221 221. Of Sacrifices. "Burnt-offerings" and "sacrifices" signified all things of worship from the good of love, and from the truths of faith (n. 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042). "Burnt-offerings" and "sacrifices" also signified Divine celestial things, which are the internal things of the church, from which worship is derived (n. 2180, 2805, 2807, 283...§ion=221 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 248 248. Of the Jewish Church and of the Jews. The statutes, judgments, and laws, which were commanded in the Jewish Church, were in part like those in the Ancient Church (n. 4449, 4835). In what respect the representative rites of the Jewish Church differed from those of the Ancient Church (n. 4288, 10149). A representative church was instituted with that nation, but there was no church i...§ion=248 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 16 16. The state of the church from the Word thus represented in the Prophets, is what is meant by bearing the iniquities and sins of the people. That such is the case is evident from the things said of Isaiah the prophet: That he went naked and barefoot three years, for a sign and a wonder (Isa. 20:3). Of the prophet Ezekiel: That he brought forth vessels of wandering, and covere...§ion=16 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 21 21. At the present day many think of the Lord no otherwise than as of a common man like themselves, because they think solely of His Human, and not at the same time of His Divine, when yet His Divine and His Human cannot be separated. For the Lord is God and Man, and God and Man in the Lord are not two, but one Person, yes, altogether one, just as soul and body are one man, according to the doctri...§ion=21 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 46 46. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE DIVINE PROCEEDING FROM, THE LORD, AND THIS IS THE LORD HIMSELF. Jesus has said in Matthew: All power [potestas] is given unto Me in heaven and on earth; go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and...§ion=46 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 51 51. v. That by "spirit," when said of the Lord, is specifically meant the life of His wisdom, which is Divine Truth: I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I go away I will send Him unto you (John 16:7). When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will lead you into all truth. He shall no...§ion=51 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 64 64. The reason why "Jerusalem" means the church as to doctrine, is that there and at no other place in the land of Canaan were the temple and altar, the offering of sacrifices, and therefore the Divine worship; and for this reason the three yearly feasts were celebrated there, to which every male in the whole country was commanded to go. This is why "Jerusalem" signifies the ch...§ion=64
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