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Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 468
468. How the rational faculty may be cultivated shall also be told in a few words. The genuine rational faculty consists of truths and not of falsities; whatever consists of falsities is not rational. There are three kinds of truths, civil, moral, and spiritual. Civil truths relate to matters of judgment and of government in kingdoms, and in general to what is just and equitable in them. Moral tru...

Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 542
542. As hell is divided into the same number of societies as heaven, there are as many hells as there are societies of heaven; for as each society of heaven is a heaven in smaller form (see above, n. 51-58), so each society in hell is a hell in smaller form. As in general there are three heavens, so in general there are three hells, a lowest, which is opposite to the inmost or third heaven, a midd...

The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed, Showing That at This Day All the Predictions of the Book of Revelation Have Been Fulfilled - From Things Heard and Seen 27
27. IV. Because all, who are to be born hereafter, must also come into the spiritual world, that world is so vast and such, that the natural world, in which men are on earth, cannot be compared with it; this is evident from the immense multitude of men who have passed into the spiritual world since the first creation, and who are together there; as well as from the continual increase hereafter fro...

The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed, Showing That at This Day All the Predictions of the Book of Revelation Have Been Fulfilled - From Things Heard and Seen 39
39. But since it is not known in the Christian world that there is no faith if there is no charity, nor what charity towards the neighbor is, nor even that the will constitutes the man himself, and the thought only in as far as it is derived from the will, therefore, in order that these subjects may come into the light of the understanding, I will adjoin a collection of passages concerning them fr...

The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 26
26. Of the various kinds of goods and truths. There is an infinite variety, and one thing is never exactly the same as another (n. 7236, 9002). There is also an infinite variety in the heavens (n. 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236). Varieties in the heavens are varieties of good, and thence is the distinction of all therein (n. 3519, 3744, 3804, 3986, 4005, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836,...

The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 47
47. FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA. Of the internal and the external with man. It is known in the Christian world, that man has an internal and an external, or an internal man and an external man; but it is little known what is the quality of the one and of the other (n. 1889, 1940). The internal man is spiritual, and the external is natural (n. 978, 1015, 4459, 6309, 9701-9709). How...

The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 259
259. The internal sense of the Word is principally for the use of angels, and it is also for the use of men. In order that it may be known what the internal sense is, of what quality it is, and whence it is, it may here be observed in general, that they speak and think in heaven differently from the way they do in the world; in heaven spiritually, but in the world naturally; therefore...

The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 306
306. The trinity is in the Lord. Christians were examined in the other life concerning the idea they had of one God, and it was found that they had an idea of three Gods (n. 2329, 5256, 10736-10738, 10821). The Divine Trinity may be conceived of in one Person, and thus as one God, but not in three Persons (n. 10738, 10821, 10822). The Trinity in one Person, thus in the Lord, is the Divine itself,...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 16
16. Without the spiritual sense no one would know why the prophet Jeremiah was commanded To buy himself a girdle, and put it on his loins; and not to draw it through the waters, but to hide it in a hole of the rock by Euphrates (Jer. 13:1-7). Or why the prophet Isaiah was commanded To loose the sackcloth from off his loins, and put the shoe from off his foot, and go nak...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 24
24. The reason why the knowledge of correspondences, which gives the spiritual sense of the Word, was not disclosed in times after those, is that the Christians of the primitive church were so very simple that it could not be disclosed to them; for it would have been of no use to them, nor would it have been understood. After their day, in consequence of the papal dominion, darkness came over all...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 87
87. IN PROPORTION AS ANY ONE SHUNS FALSE WITNESS OF EVERY KIND AS SIN, IN THE SAME PROPORTION HE LOVES THE TRUTH. To "bear false witness," in the natural sense, means not only to play the false witness, but also to lie, and to defame. In the spiritual sense, to "bear false witness" means to declare some false thing to be true or some evil thing good, and to persuade other...

Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 72
72. Many of them are receptive of truth, and they see justice in reasons, as I was enabled to observe from conversations with them in the spiritual world. I spoke with them concerning the One God, the resurrection, and marriage. Of the One God they said, that they do not comprehend the Christians when speaking of the Trinity, and saying that there are three Persons, and that each Person is God, an...

Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 88
88. After it was made manifest that they acknowledge the Lord only as the Arians do, that they despise the Word of the Prophets and Evangelists, and hold a life of charity in hatred, when yet upon these three things as on pillars the whole heaven depends; then they who were in the knowledge and at the came time in the belief of their mysteries, were adjudged Anti-Christs, who reject the three esse...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 67
67. It shall also be stated briefly how man ascends, that is, is elevated, from the lowest degree to the first. He is born into the lowest degree of the natural world; then, by means of knowledges, he is elevated into the second degree; and as he perfects his understanding by knowledges he is elevated into the third degree, and then becomes rational. The three degrees of ascent in the spiritual wo...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 171
171. To this last end creation progresses continually, through these three, namely, end, cause, and effect, because these three are in the Lord the Creator (as was said just above); and the Divine apart from space is in all space (n. 69-72); and is the same in things greatest and least (77 - 82); from which it is evident that the created universe, in its general progression to its last end, is rel...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 178
178. Atmospheres, waters, and lands are here specified, because these three are generals, through and from which each and all things have their form [existunt] in infinite variety. The atmospheres are the active forces, the waters are the mediate forces, and the lands are the passive forces, from which all effects have existence. These three forces are such in their series solely by virtue of life...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 205
205. IN SUCCESSIVE ORDER THE FIRST DEGREE MAKES THE HIGHEST, AND THE THIRD THE LOWEST; BUT IN SIMULTANEOUS ORDER THE FIRST DEGREE MAKES THE INNERMOST, AND THE THIRD THE OUTERMOST. There is successive order and simultaneous order. The successive order of these degrees is from highest to lowest, or from top to bottom. The angelic heavens are in this order; the third heaven there is the highest...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 231
231. That in man there are these three degrees can be seen from the elevation of his mind even to the degrees of love and wisdom in which angels of the second and third heavens are; for all angels were born men; and man, as regards the interiors pertaining to his mind, is a heaven in least form; therefore there are in man, by creation, as many degrees of height as there are heavens. Moreover, man...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 235
235. Of the threefold ascent of the degrees of height this much has been said in general; but these degrees cannot here be discussed in detail, because (as was said in the preceding chapter) there must be these three degrees in things greatest and things least; this only need be said, that there are such degrees in each and all things of love, and therefrom in each and all things of wisdom, and fr...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 237
237. These three degrees of height are called natural, spiritual, and celestial (as was said above, n. 232). When man is born he comes first into the natural degree, and this grows in him, by continuity, according to his knowledges and the understanding acquired by means of knowledges even to the highest point of understanding, which is called the rational. Yet not by this means is the second degr...

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